(Postponed) Run #2 - Agde - 12/04/2020

POSTPONED TO JULY 12TH-Check out new directions!

Sunday April 12th, 2020 - start at 14:00
Location: Agde - at John Cleese and Horny Tail's ,
Hares: John Cleese + Horny Tail

You are invited to Agde Sunday 12/4 (during the easter weekend). A lot of Stockholm hashers will be visiting to celebrate Hornytails birthday! 
The run will start at 14:00 from our house. A short walk from the train station.There will be both runners and walkers trails.Lots of drinks, and food after the run. Oysters, of course :-)
Hash cash 10€
Dancing on our roof terrace if you stay late.
If you stay overnight there are a few hotels in town (Yseria and Araur) and many private rooms to rent.Then we can take a hangover walk to the beach for a drink before you head home again.

Please spread the word, and let us know who’s coming.
On-On and welcome to sunny Languedoc! 
John Cleese & Hornytail